今回のバージョンアップである「OmniFocus 2 for Mac 2.1」は、今年2015年に計画されているOmniFocusリリースの最初のものです。OS X Yosemiteをサポートし、インターフェース、アプリやドキュメントのアイコンもデザインを一新しました。また、概観だけでなく、機能拡張や共有機能など多くの改善が施されています。

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ビジネス
販売元: The Omni Group - The Omni Group(サイズ: 36.4 MB)

「OmniFocus 2 for Mac 2.1」の新機能
OmniFocus 2.1 is the first of several planned OmniFocus releases in 2015. It features a new look and new features for OS X Yosemite, as well as a few bug fixes. The file format and syncing remain compatible with all previous versions of OmniFocus, on Mac and iOS. OmniFocus 2.1 requires Mac OS X 10.10 or higher.
We’re still planning on adding features to OmniFocus that will make it sync more responsively, to be easier to scan visually, and to be more efficient to use. This release is an important first step on that path!
- Vibrant Interface — We adjusted the OmniFocus interface to better match OS X Yosemite. That included making new toolbar icons, adjusting the appearance of some other elements, and incorporating vibrancy where appropriate.
- Application and Document Icons — The app and document icons now fit in better on OS X Yosemite.
- Extensions — OmniFocus for Mac now has Today and Share extensions, just like on iOS. To enable the Today extension, click Edit at the bottom of Notification Center.
- Sharing — In addition to accepting content from other apps, the text of actions can be shared from OmniFocus using the share button in the toolbar.
- Tear-off View Options Popover — When the View Options popover is open, it can be dragged away from the window and exist on its own.
- Find and Replace — Find and Replace now works in actions as well as their notes.
- Help — In addition to being up to date with info on the new features, OmniFocus Help has a new look that should be easier to use. Scrolling is also smoother on retina screens.
- OmniOutliner Import — When importing from OmniOutliner columns can once again be mapped to OmniFocus fields.
- Localized Date Parsing — If OmniFocus can’t parse a date using localized relative date names, it will try using English relative date names.
- Moving Windows — It’s no longer possible to move the window using the split view dividers.
- Narrower Windows — OmniFocus’ minimum window width has been reduced.
- Inspector Menus — MISSING VALUE no longer appears in action and project status menus or the “Review Every” menu.
- Bad State after Time Zone change — OmniFocus behaves better after changing time zones, clearing a due date, and then using a +1 day/week/month button
- Spurious Due Soon Notifications — OmniFocus now always respects its own Notification Preferences.
- Sync Credentials — When syncing with Omni Sync Server, you’re no longer prompted again for your username after entering it in Preferences—just your password.
- New Item in Forecast (Focused) — You can create a new action while Focused and in the Forecast perspective without causing an alert to appear.
- New Item in “No Context” — You can now create new items in Flagged and in Contexts when “No Context” is selected.
- Perspective Icons — Some custom icons previously resulted in an error about PNG gamma value.
- Grouping Actions in Quick Entry — The app no longer hangs when grouping actions in the Quick Entry window.
- Flagged Items — Status circles are now drawn with orange only if flagged and not complete.
- Crash — Fixed a commonly-reported crash on launch.
- Crash — Fixed a crash when quitting.
- Crash — Fixed a crash when closing the Archive window with a hidden toolbar.
- Crash — Fixed a crash undoing “Replace All” when text in notes had been replaced.
- Crash — OmniFocus now beeps instead of crashing when you try to delete “No Context” from the sidebar.
- Many Smaller Fixes and Improvements — Including several other crashes.

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ビジネス
販売元: The Omni Group - The Omni Group(サイズ: 36.4 MB)

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