
カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ビジネス
販売元: The Omni Group - The Omni Group(サイズ: 76 MB)

バージョン 2.0.4の新機能
- Localized OmniFocus in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish. OmniFocus Help and related documents are not yet localized.
- Fixed an issue where changing the focus wouldn't immediately refresh the task list in some perspectives.
- Switching to a built-in perspective will now reset the current search just like switching to a custom perspective does. This means that switching to a perspective with a built-in search will no longer leave that search lying around when switching back to a built-in perspective.
- Fixed a rare database issue where many divergent transactions could yield a merge transaction with a very long filename--a filename which was so long that it couldn't actually be written to the filesystem. This would result in an "Unable to check for existence" error which made it impossible to sync or make further edits to that database without help from our support humans.

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ビジネス
販売元: The Omni Group - The Omni Group(サイズ: 76 MB)

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