「Alfred」はOS Xで人気のランチャーアプリで、「Alfred Remote」については昨年6月にAlfred Blogにて開発が行われていることを表明していました。

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ユーティリティ
販売元: Running with Crayons Ltd - Running with Crayons Ltd(サイズ: 1.6 MB) 全てのバージョンの評価: 無し(0件の評価)

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ユーティリティ
販売元: Running with Crayons Ltd - Running with Crayons Ltd(サイズ: 1.9 MB) 全てのバージョンの評価:

「Alfred Remote」は待望のiOS版リリースですが、現在のところはMac向けアプリ「Alfred」のiOS版といったところで、キーボードやマウス機能はないようです。
「Alfred Remote」の説明
Alfred Remote is your personal command centre for Alfred 2 for Mac. Your iPhone or iPad now becomes a perfect day-long companion to your Mac; Whether at work or play, be more productive than ever!
With a single touch on your iOS device, you can control many Alfred 2 actions on your Mac, including:
- Show Alfred 2 on your Mac
- System Commands: Lock, restart, shut down, log out or sleep your Mac, eject all devices, quit all apps and empty trash
- Launch Applications and System Preferences on your Mac
- Open files and folders you've defined on your Mac
- Open websites and bookmarks, or pop up Alfred with a custom search filled in
- Replace hard to remember hotkey combinations and keywords with icons on iOS
If you're an Alfred 2 Powerpack user, you can control Powerpack features, such as:
- iTunes on your Mac: Play, skip, rate your tracks and even start playing random albums
- Quickly paste user-defined clipboard snippets into text fields and documents on your Mac
- Run user-defined scripts, AppleScripts and terminal commands
- Connecting Remote to your favourite Alfred 2 Workflows gives almost limitless possibilities!
「Alfred Remote」のセッテイング
- Ensure that your Mac and iOS device are on the same network
- Open Alfred 2's Remote preferences on Mac and select 'Add iOS Remote'
- Open Alfred Remote on iOS to the 'Add' screen, "Looking for Alfred"
- Select your Mac when you see it appear on iOS, then type the passcode on your Mac
Alfred Remote is a counterpart app which requires Alfred 2 on Mac, and the ability to connect to it from your iPhone/iPad over Wi-Fi.
- Alfred Remote is available for iPhone & iPad on iOS 7+
- Alfred v2.6 on OS X 10.8+ is required on your Mac
- You'll need the ability to connect both your Mac and your iOS device to the same network through wired or Wi-Fi connection
- To control Alfred 2's Powerpack actions, you'll need the Powerpack for Alfred 2 on your Mac
iOS 7以降のiOSデバイスとOS X 10.8以降のMacに「Alfred 2.6」がインストールされており、Wi-Fi環境にあることが必要です。

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ユーティリティ
販売元: Running with Crayons Ltd - Running with Crayons Ltd(サイズ: 1.6 MB) 全てのバージョンの評価: 無し(0件の評価)

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ユーティリティ
販売元: Running with Crayons Ltd - Running with Crayons Ltd(サイズ: 1.9 MB) 全てのバージョンの評価:

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