今バージョンでは、iOS 7でアクション・タイトルが編集できない不具合や、iOS 8でテキスト入力時にクラッシュする不具合が修正されています。また、iOS 8で今日のアクションリストが通知センターに表示される機能が追加されました。

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ビジネス
販売元: The Omni Group - The Omni Group(サイズ: 17.1 MB)

バージョン 2.3.3の新機能
When we added support for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in v2.3.2, we introduced an compatibility issue with iOS 7 which made it impossible to edit action titles on iOS 7. Our sincerest apologies! This v2.3.3 update fixes that issue.
This v2.3.3 update also fixes an iOS 8 compatibility issue which was causing crashes when entering text with a non-Roman keyboard.
OmniFocus for iPhone v2.3 added iOS 8 Extensions for capturing content from other apps and displaying OmniFocus actions in Notification Center:
Today Extension
- The OmniFocus Today Extension displays a list of actions due today in Notification Center. This list is analogous to the Today section of Forecast within OmniFocus. To add the Today Extension, use the Edit button at the very bottom of Notification Center.
Sharing Extension
- OmniFocus now appears as a recipient when tapping the Share button in other iOS apps. You can add shared content directly to a Project or Context, or to your Inbox by leaving those fields blank. If OmniFocus doesn't initially appear in the Share popover, it may need to be enabled via the "More…" button at the end of the recipient list.
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