キーボードアプリ『Swype』は、欧文入力時に、iOS 8版のキーボードアプリで指を離すことなく、スワイプ操作での文字や絵文字の入力がおこなえます。ただし、残念ながら現在のところ英語の入力にしか対応していません。興味のある方はお試しください。

カテゴリ: ユーティリティ, 仕事効率化 販売元: Nuance Communications - Nuance Communications(サイズ: 23.2 MB) 全てのバージョンの評価:

Why type when you can Swype? One of the most requested apps for iPhone is finally here.
“There’s no faster, easier way to input text on an iPhone” – CNET
"My favorite is Swype…It’s surprisingly powerful.” – The New York Times
Swype is the most accurate keyboard on the planet. Whether you type or Swype we enable you to input words faster and easier. It learns the way you type so the more you use it, the smarter it gets.
New Features:
- 21 languages supported including 16 new downloadable languages
- Intelligent Emoji support in 6 languages (English (US), English (UK), French, Italian, German and Spanish)
- Improved iPad layout
- Customizable keyboard layout (QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY)
- Sound on Keypress option added (*Requires "Full Access")
Product Features:
- Incredibly intuitive language models that accurately predict what you type or Swype
- Five beautiful themes - FREE on iPhone.
- Quickly enter symbols, punctuation and capital letters with Swype gestures
- Swype learns how you type. You can tell it to add or remove words from your personal dictionary
- You can Swype on your iPad as well as your iPhone

カテゴリ: ユーティリティ, 仕事効率化 販売元: Nuance Communications - Nuance Communications(サイズ: 23.2 MB) 全てのバージョンの評価:

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